Your Journey Awaits...

What are I AM Journeys?

They are a place to

discover your inner magic.

  • Silent distractions & connect with your Heart.

  • Bring your Head & Heart into coherence.

  • Reconnect with Your True Self

  • Embark on a Musical Sound Journey.

  • INjoy going places beyond the conscious mind.

  • Align with Your Highest Light

  • Clear and Dissolve Blocks

  • Discover your gifts hidden in the darkness

  • Plant seeds in fertile soil for the desires of your Heart

  • Amplify & Empower YOU.

  • Allow Your Soul Shine fully Through.

"I AM Journey" is a alchemical deep soul journey of self discovery, where you connect with the TRUTH in your heart.

Amplify your inner magic in the presence of NOW and align with your highest version of your self through heart-centered ceremonies, musical experiences, and dissolving limiting beliefs to connect with your inner-most BEing your TRUE essence.

Reconnect with your TRUE SELF

Immerse yourself in a ceremonial experience, connecting with the temple of your body through the altar of your heart.

Amplify Your Highest Light

Allow your soul to shine as you connect with the highest light within you, rewriting your story and empowering your highest self.

Clear and Dissolve Blocks

Let go of limiting beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve you, diving deep into your bliss body and birthing our new Earth.

Meet Janaki

Janaki is quantum igniter, igniting the light within ones heart. She embodies transformation, channeling divine inspiration through music, poetry, and love.

She speaks the language of love, and love unites us all.

She loves BEing God's instrument as she partners with many instruments. She loves giving people opportunities to connect with their inner-most BEing, as we slow down and speed up for the quantum frequency of LOVE!

She is a skilled Master Practitioner in NLP, hypnosis, and Quantum Time Techniques, as well as the Art of Sacred Language both "body and spoken", BEing a bridge that aligns our heart and mind into coherence, allowing our brain to rewire and connect into divine TRUTH!

She stands for our innate power rooted in love. She advocates for unity consciousness , radical self-love, and INlightenment.

Janaki is a mastery of words, seeing the codes embedded in our language, she is committed to restoring the distortion.

Janaki has mastered and continues to master turning her perceived weaknesses into her great strengths. She loves BEing the inspiration for others to share their authentic expression of their gifts and blaze their light of glory, as they re-write their old story.

She is an Agent of Change and an Alchemist of Well-BEing, she loves turning SHIT holy. She supports many in transcending their wounds into wisdom.

Janaki’s mission is to awakeIN our divine remembrance of our innate brilliance, connect into the infinite intelligence of source wisdom we are, and foster harmony within our commUnity living as ONE in full alignment.

Meet James

James is a self-taught flutist. He has a natural talent and can hear and feel music with his heart, making it easy to harmonize in a beautiful flow with other musicians.

He is very in tune and connected with himself. He is the definition and embodiment of 'zero f***s given,' and he allows his inner child to be free and wild, inspiring others to be the same way. He embraces his full being, and his energy is infectious with zero effort.

​When Janaki and James get together and connect, pure magic happens, and they have a jamming great time!

Their flow of energy creates portals of transformation.

Story of Janaki and James

in their JJ magic

Janaki and James went to a reTreat at Echo Hill, where they quickly became BFF's. Both Janaki and James embody their a pure inner child play, and they lead with love and kindness. When they are together, their inner child play is amplified.

Janaki cracked the code for magic while BEing in her inner child play with James. "Stay in you PLAY and pave a new way, and all you require to do is be your full authentic expression of you and allow your soul shine through"

Janaki received a message from her TRUE self while in breath work, the message is " Stop Taking life so seriously, Earth is your playground. You are already ONE now have FUN!

The last day of the ReTreat as James and Janaki where cleaning up it started to poor down rain. Both Janaki and James immediately paused from cleaning and ran out into the rain. They sat their not only did the embrace the storm they had fun and played in the storm and they even felt hail coming down in the middle of August. They stood their fully embracing and INjoying the storm, and before you know it the storm quickly passed.

Little did they realize "real eyes" it was the storm that ignited their path of them playing together. James first I AM Journey to join Janaki is "I AM the EYE of the Storm" Never practicing James jumped right in with Janaki and the first time they played together, was a complete out of this world experience, they are so blown away along with everyone else in the room they decided to continue their journey playing together. Every time they play together the never ceased to be amazed at all the magic that flows through them. They beCome one organism, creating such a harmonic flow of energy, opening up portals of quantum expansion.

Moral of this story. In life we experience storms, and in each moment we have the freedom of choice. you can choose to run from or hide from the storm and it may follow. Or you can embrace the storm and dance through it, and the storm quickly passes.

Janaki and James had no clue at the time what miracles awaits them, They didn't "real eyes" at the time that simply by embracing and playing in the storm. It would be the storm that brought them together in the most glorious ways!!

​When Janaki and James get together and connect, pure magic happens, and they have a jamming great time, making love with the presence of NOW!

Join Janaki and James for their JJ Magic, and see for yourself. Discover what magic and miracles awaits you!!