Divine Mirror Mastermind


A radical self-love journey embracing your whole self, including all the perceived messy peices.

Do you strive for perfection?

What if you no longer let your inner perfectionist hold you back, what would that change in your life?

Imagine having no more excuses why not to do something and willing to do it messy.

Your mess gives you messages, so why hide your mess?

It's time now we embrace our mess and receive our magic hidden in our mess.

How would that be for you to embrace you whole self?

Imagine loving all parts of yourself, where you no longer feel you require to hide.

Where you can SHOW UP fully and share your gifts with our world.

What You'll Experience

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Move through the lenses of lack and scarcity mindset, as you watch you move from surviving into Thriving.

Root into your foundation of your I AM's.

Connect and be Home in your body, occupy your home you live in.

Be in your Grounded presence.

Restore your relationship with mommy and money.

Watch all your relationship improve in your life.

Allow yourself to receive your abundance and prosperity you we designed to rec

  • Here's some stuff

illuminate light on the things you shame.

Shame is the paradigm of right/wrong, good/bad, not enough, too much and broken.

The perception of shame is to keep you in a box, keep you playing small. We are not here to shame shame. Shame has a gift. In this session we will discover the gift shame is giving you and uncover and discover what is choosing to be seen and herd. When we can love shame, we transmute shame into sacred. If you have experienced alot of the shame paradigm then you are here for sacred. Allow your sacred flame to illuminate your creative and sexual energy and ignite your passion for inspired action.

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Everyone has a story and the pen is in your hand.

Rewrite your story and blaze your light of glory.

Reclaim your power back, and be the powerFull leader you are here to be.

Walk on the path of courage with confidence.

Inspire your fire for your hearts greatest desire.

Take inspire action and bring forth your aligned attraction of your dreams BEing fully lived!

Allow yourself to embrace and become friends with anger. Receive the message anger, frustration, and rage have for you. give yourself perMISSION to erupt and land HOME in you body in your divine will of power, wisdom, and love.

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Alchemize hate into love and forGiveness.

Anchor in radical self love in your body, and be the source of infinite love.

Clear blockages of reSentment where you have been sending your energy away. Now give for yourself, be self serving, fill your cup up and fully live!

Walk in epic alignment of love.

Feel lighter and fulfilled.

Tune in and tap into your heart's frequency and hear the symphony of the YOUnIvers, the song where you reMember you belong.

Be in radical responsibility, as you hear the whispers of your heart and respond.

Description of benefit/feature

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Move through any hidden layers of depression by BEing your souls pure TRUE expression.

This is where we remember to speak up immediately the moment something comes up, where you can move through triggers at quantum speed. Commit for BEing in your full authentic expression of you and allow your soul shine through.

Let your inner child be heard.

Discover the power of your voice through different voice activations...

Description of benefit/feature

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Align and amplify with your inner vision and wisdom.

Look through the lens of love and see through the eyes of God.

connect deeper with your intuition and allow your inner voice to guide you in alignment with your vision and your mission.

Give yourself and new perspective and change your perception, seeing your world through clear lens. Be seCure in yourself and see Cure in your world around you.

Description of benefit/feature

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Benefit / Feature

Description of benefit/feature

Event Details

Location: Zoom



Your Host

Janaki Mayhill

Janaki INbodies the essence of transformation and serves as a conduit for the divine at the deepest level. She stands as a beacon of change, an alchemist of well-being, advocating for the restoration of our innate power rooted in love.

She facilitates the art of sacred language, both in body and spoken word, bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual realms. By rewiring the brain and aligning with your heart’s frequency, she brings your head and heart into coherence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.

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